



Research Proposal是申请科研性硕士、博士学位的一个必要材料。它的主要内容是陈述你对这个研究领域的了解与想法,也是未来导师最关心的部分。


推荐信(Reference Letters)


1. 选了解你的人——只有这样的人才能够针对你的优、缺点进行深入分析,继而提供有深度的推荐。
2. 选能够支持你申情的人——他们会例举对你最有利的案例,突出对你的正面评价。

If the application is your chance to talk about what makes you stand out, think of teacher recs as a way to reinforce your themes. The best choice isn’t always the teacher whose class you aced; better to pick the one who can describe what you’re like as a person. Ask if they can write you a strong recommendation.

1.How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. What do you consider the applicant’s talents or strengths?
3. What do you consider the applicant’s weaknesses or developmental needs?
4. What industry/function might best suit this individual, and what do you see this person doing in ten years? Why?
5. If you have any additional comments that you think would assist the admissions committee in making its decision, please add them here.

Try to show you have as many of the following qualities as possible: Intellectual ability, analytic ability, imagination, motivation, maturity, organization, teamwork, leadership, self-confidence, oral communication skills, written communication skills, and career potential. If you are fluent in another language, mention it.

2. 让推荐人了解你的申请方向和简历——让推荐人了解你的职业志向,向推荐人提供详尽资料如简历、成绩单、曾获得的奖励荣誉等作为其写作时的参考;
3. 推荐信不要千篇一律——申请人可以要求几位推荐人从不同的角度来正面评价自己;

Once you’ve got an advocate, type up bullet points summarizing your activities, community service, jobs and a few pluses the teacher might not know about. And plan ahead. A rushed writer is rarely as persuasive as one who has mulling time.